We are open!

Winterseason 24/25

Since September 20th, the winter season has started on the glacier. The Grawand lift and the slope are open all day. The last ride of the glacier cable car is at 16:30.

To the open lifts/slopes


Wspinaczka w Val Senales w Południowym Tyrolu

Wspinaczka to czyste emocje: zero stresu, tylko szczęście, działania i wyzwania. A jaka jest lepsza sceneria dla jednego z najpopularniejszych sportów alpejskich niż Alpin Arena Senales? W dolinie Val Senales i na obszarze lodowca można uprawiać bouldering, pokonywać różne trasy skalne, wspinać się po pionowych ścianach skalnych, a nawet przezwyciężać zawroty głowy! Dla początkujących i rodzin polecamy ścianę wspinaczkową Ötzi Rope Park położoną w niewielkiej odległości od Maso Corto.

Inne możliwości wspinaczkowe w Val Senales w Południowym Tyrolu: ściana wspinaczkowa Mastaun w wiosce Madonna di Senales, ściana wspinaczkowa Castel Juval i via ferrata Hoachwool, obie przy wejściu do doliny.

Larix Ferrata & Alpin Trail (open from 29th june)

The via Ferrata "Larix" (Latin for larch), at the foot of the Kurzrasbach waterfall, runs over several rope bridges, two sky ladders, a rope slide and partly challenging climbing passages. In the first part, the via Ferrata leads over and along a small stream and offers plenty of action, interrupted by short walking passages. In the upper part, 
from the Rotkofelsee, the Ferrata gets a little lost and offers three short and rather flat Ferrata passages. A successful mix of mountain hike and enjoyable action Ferrata, which particularly delights beginners and families with young people who like to climb.

Suggestion: The "Alpin Trail" mountain hiking trail (marked with red crosses) runs parallel to the via Ferrata. For example, families can start together, some via the action-packed Ferrata and others via the hiking trail. Both experienced hikers and sporty climbers will get their money's worth.

Prerequisite: via ferrata equipment (rental in Maso Corto at Sportservice Erwin Stricker or Ski Factory Maso Corto).

Entrance: behind the Roter Kofel chairlift, at the foot of the large Kurzrasbach waterfall
Exit: above the Teufelsegg hut
Difficulty: medium difficult (C)
Ascent: 3:30 h
Length: 1.8 km 
Metres in altitude:
410 hm each

Refreshment stop: Teufelsegg Hut

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